Devops Drop 023
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 5:11PM

Direct download

Follow John Willis on Twitter: @botchagalupe
Follow Damon Edwards on Twitter: @damonedwards 



Hack Day in China...


Minimalist pipeline.. CI loop, CD model... 

Customer was Centos based.... 

SVN,Jenkins, Rundeck, JBoss and Mysql... (5 Servers).  

Due to cultural differences....

Make a change to the code and see the CI loop, delivery loop take place.  

The do a Roll back....


Talk about Rundeck and the mechanics - Jenkins Rundeck Plugin.  Drives the rundeck job automatically.  Also Rundeck pulls the latest, last and history of builds.  


Normally we would use Chef or Puppet on the back end of Rundeck... 


Point about manual vs automated process




A Contentious Question by Chris Hoff (@beaker)


Contentios question by @beaker.. no,  Actually if you guys don’t follow @beaker you should.  He is our #devops mirror for networking and security (imho).  He tried to keep us honest...


“Given the recent influx of virtual networking solutions, many of which are OpenFlow-based, what possible in-roads and value can they hope to offer in heavily virtualized enterprise environments wherein the virtual networking is owned and controlled by VMware?”


Specifically, if the only third-party VMware virtual switch to date is Cisco’s and access to this platform is limited (if at all available) to startup players, how on Earth do BigSwitch, Nicira, vCider, etc. plan to insert themselves into an already contentious environment effectively doing mindshare and relevance battle with the likes of mainline infrastructure networking giants and VMware?


If you’re answer is “OpenFlow and OpenStack will enable this access,...

Not meaning to piss anyone off, but many of these startups’ business plans are shrouded in the mystical vail of “wait and see.”





Pro Puppet [Kindle Edition]






Ask about BigDrops?


 Learning and Hadoop



September 2011 – HUG– Atlanta, GA

Machine Learning With Hadoop

Josh Patterson | Sr Solution Architect


Open source work at 




After the refining process, one barrel of crude oil yielded more than 40% gasoline and only 3% kerosene, creating large quantities of waste gasoline for disposal.”

--- Excerpt from the book “The American Gas Station”

Hadoop Today: The Oil Industry Circa 1900


Digital universe grew by 62% last year to 800K petabytes and will grow to 1.2 “zettabytes” this year


Speed @ Scale is the new Killer App

Results in that previously took 1 day to process can gain new value when created in 10 minutes.


ML Focused on in Mahout


An algorithm that looks at a user’s past actions and suggests





What is time series data?


What is ISAX Lumberyard?




Packages For Hadoop


UDFs in Pig

used at LinkedIn in many of off-line workflows for data derived products

"People You May Know”






Hadoop Not Good At in Data Mining


We’ve talked about this before with twitter's storm...

Not everything fits great in MapReduce

Mahout as evidence of this






Common Challenges in DevOps Change Management


Matt Ray


Starts out with meat and potato .. everything in source control


Talks about spiceweasel .. yaml or jason..


Think roles not nodes... nodes can be ephemeral.. 

Start from scratch don’t reuse nodes...

Don’t hard code IP addresses .. m&p

Golden mages are an anti-pattern.  <The don’t have to be...




Three Drunk in SysAdmins....


Continuous Delivery of Server Configurations


Puppet, Git, Mcollective,Jeninks,and Capistrano


Three part series... 






Announcing the MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS)


MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS) to the public for free. MMS is a SaaS based tool that monitors your MongoDB cluster and makes it easy for you to see what’s going on in a production deployment.





Devops Chicago and Devops Camp


Interview w/Martin J. Logan


Oct 22 - 23 in Chicago


Camp Devops 




Devopsdays Goteborg 2011

The conference will be a two day event on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 of October 2011

Article originally appeared on DevOps Cafe Podcast & Videos (
See website for complete article licensing information.