Devops Drop 016

Follow John Willis on Twitter: @botchagalupe
Follow Damon Edwards on Twitter: @damonedwards
VMware vsphere provider to Fog
Libvirt integration for fog
added cloudstack support
Full AWS support sqs, sns, rds, elb, dns,cloudformation, cloud_watch
Patrick is going crazy over there..
This is some crazy shit essay..
Automated Vmware ESX Installation - Bonus in Vmware Fusion
Using kickstart
After this exercise you should be able to completely script the installation of a Vmware ESX virtual machine and make it run inside Vmware Fusion.
Murder: Fast datacenter code deploys using BitTorrent
twitter eng.. .BitTorrent... Murder a 40 minute deploy.. 12 seconds! - in ruby and python also a great video on the blog.
Ruby for Jenkins Goes Pre-Alpha
The prject was started to make Jenkins fit the ruby comminity stlye...
not forced into using jruby, or maven.
boot a plugin written in pure Ruby into a Jenkins server w/o java or java knowledge.
Installing on RHEL/CentOS 5
Decomposed the script based install and refactored it to work with centos and layed out the steps to use yum
4 ways to install
- bash script that you can invoke from a curl command
- in the vcap repo there is a vcap_dev directory with chef cookbooks to install w/chef solo
- Keith Hudkins created a chef server install for the barclamp PIT
- Canonical ow has debian packages...
LexisNexis Releases Code for Its Hadoop-Killer
HPCC Systems a division of lexisnexis risk solutions division.
open sourcing the code for its High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC)
an alternative to Hadoop.
Thor, which analyzes large datasets in a manner similar to Hadoop,
Roxie, which is closer to a traditional RBDMS or a data warehouse.
Ensemble gets some Juju!
We figured it should represent the complexities and mystery that often surround those skilled in the DevOps field, and be something that played on the same “u” sound and etymology as Ubuntu. Thus, “Juju” was born!
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