Devops Drop 013

Follow John Willis on Twitter: @botchagalupe
Follow Damon Edwards on Twitter: @damonedwards
Rails 3 / Active Model support
Guide to Writing Chef Cookbooks
How Josh writes cookbooks (readme driven dev)
Moving an Elephant: Large Scale Hadoop Data Migration at Facebook
In 2010, Facebook had the largest Hadoop cluster in the world, with over 20 PB of storage. By March 2011, the cluster had grown to 30 PB — that’s 3,000 times the size of the Library of Congress! At that point, we had run out of power and space to add more nodes, necessitating the move to a larger data center.
10.4 added data bag search for solo..
chefsolo-search adds library routines for search and
ClojureScript and Node.js
Cloud Breakup: Why CloudSpokes Chose Over Azure
entered ga this week...
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