Devops Drop 020

Follow John Willis on Twitter: @botchagalupe
Follow Damon Edwards on Twitter: @damonedwards
Goteborg 2011 - program
Friday 14 October and Saturday
Yours truly doing the keynote...
Announcing Xeround Cloud Database API
Xeround is an elastic, always-on database-as-a-service
for your MySQL applications.
AWS, Rackspce and Heroku
Benchmarks against an RDS Large at $0.44 vs the $0.08 standard instance Xeround
How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub
Everyone can push, everyone can deploy
Master is always deployable
Deploy 10 to 40 times a day
Pull requests are our code review
Master -> Branch -> Pull request -> Master
Pull requests are RAD no meeting, email is your interface, non techs get involved
Culture... Hack days... make things fun...
Hubot, our valiant Campfire bot, has continued to grow in complexity. A tiny list of his (current) capabilities:
-unlock the door to our office
-print out a list of the people currently in the office based on their wifi presence
-find an apartment in the area to rent
-deploy GitHub
-say an arbitrary string over the office speakers
-play an audio sample of deadmau5 to everyone through hacked Propane HTML5
-give you a quote from any movie or TV show
-tell you the build status of any git branch
-track and map packages
-SMS any GitHubber from Campfire
-embed a seven day weather forecast
PuppetConf as a Service (PCaaS): Sign up for the Free Live Stream
Mårten Mickos
SRE’s from Facebook and Google
John Vincent @lusis Noah dude
Luke of course
Adrian Cole jClouds
Chad Metcalf Cloudera
Jinesh Varia AWS
Mark Hinkle @mrhinkle
Puppet Change Management for DevOps
What is Puppet?
At Atlassian, we use Puppet extensively with our internal systems, our Hosted products, and our build engineering infrastructure. Here's how we do it in build engineering.
Jira, Bamboo, Greenhopper Rapid Board
Bamboo with puppet...
IBM Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) -
From September 12 – November 11, you can provision select virtual machines at the Toronto, Ehningen, Tokyo and Singapore IBM SmartCloud data centers—subject to availability—at no charge. You can access:
Virtual machines to run Linux® (Red Hat or Novell SUSE) or Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003/2008
1 block (256 gigabytes) of persistent storage
DataStax gets $11M, fuses NoSQL and Hadoop
Brisk, Hadoop based on Cassandra
Neo raises $10.6M for Neo4j as graph DBs take off
Building Scalable Systems: an Asynchronous Approach
Node.js and rabittMQ
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