Devops Drop 021

Follow John Willis on Twitter: @botchagalupe
Follow Damon Edwards on Twitter: @damonedwards
Puppet Conf Recap ...
Great show.. first class.. venue, food, content...
“Operations as a Strategic Weapon”
Damon and I did our combined talks right after Luke’s Keynote. I thought we rocked. They will be posting the videos
Devops Cafe Roundtable with Luke, Teyo, James and Scott ..
Basically the management team at Puppet Labs
Scott story about joining Puppetlabs... His Loudcloud experience.
Damon killed. We talked about Service Orchestration, PaaS, culture patterns.. great stuff... We will post the audio on Devops Cafe site and the Video should be up in a week or two...
Puppet Enterprise 2.0
A lot of new integration with Mcollective and the GUI...
New GUI, right out-of-the-box PE 2.0 automatically discovers all resources – packages, hosts, groups, and users. Uses Mcollective to discover.
Visually Clone Resources To Scale Quickly, Efficiently, and Reliably(From the GUI)
With PE 2.0’s new compliance capability, you now can visually monitor for any unauthorized changes against your desired-state baseline. Can run compliance reports once a day and watch for changing trends... Give auditors GUI control to see what they need to see...
PE 2.0’s new provisioning capability allows you to quickly and easily create new instances of VMware and Amazon EC2. KInd of like “Knife” with the added bare metal sauce...
“Operating at Scale”
Pedro Canahuati
SRE Manager...
Dealing with issues at “SCALE” and I mean scale....
Switched from XEN to LXC to to overhead at scale...
Been using cFengine for years... About to change to Chef or Puppet.. Looking at both.
All the #devops thing are going on at FB CD, Agile in operations, collect and store everything. Like Google, they had to build a lot of their own stuff.
They build there own TSDB kind of like Opentsdb. They have built there own monitoring framework, looking framework (they use Scribe).
ODS tool the abstracts and visualizes all events (very cool)
I was able to talk to Pedro at the speakers dinner and the following day. I am a junkie and groupie for guys like this and stuff like .. we talked about CEP and monitoring. Also about Chef and Puppet.
Beyond the Node: Arkestration with Noah
John Vincent
Puppet and Juju, scaling the cloud
Marc Cluet & Adam Gandelman
These boys showed up to a gin fight with a knife...
Slideware of how you can use puppet and Juju together. I am not a mean guy unless you propose something that you can’t explain in a presentation...
Split brain... Needs to be a hackday .. talked to Dan Bodie about this... Interesting...
Mårten Mickos
CEO Eucalyptus
Great presentation... Talked about what the cloud has done to operations. Also acknowledges cloud needs devops....
My Zing question ... great answer....
We also had some one on one podcasts with the Redhat guys about Openshift and how it works.
Ended up with an interview with Jay Lyman of 451 group... Post on DTO....
Oh yeah on the way to have drinks with Gene KIm I got to get my picture talked with Merle Haggard.
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